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Legal Information
Cantab Asset Management Ltd
Registered Office
50 Station Road
Registered number: 5691283

If you should have any complaint about the advice you receive or a product which you have bought, Cantab Asset Management Limited operates an internal complaints procedure. Please write to your adviser in the first instance.  If not satisfied with the response, please write to The Compliance Oversight Officer at Cantab Asset Management Limited, 50 Station Road, Cambridge CB1 2JH. Tel: 01223 522000. If, after we have reviewed your complaint, you remain dissatisfied, you have the right to refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service (Financial Ombudsman Service, Exchange Tower, London E14 9SR or use the website Copies of our complaints procedure are available on request. If you make a valid claim against Cantab Asset Management Limited in respect of the investments we arrange for you and we are unable to meet the liabilities in full, you may be entitled to redress from the FSCS; details of the cover provided are given in a leaflet which we will send you at your request.