Cantab Asset Management is committed to engendering trust with stakeholders by acting responsibly and ethically. Cantab’s stakeholders include clients, staff and community.  The firm’s focus is on four key areas:

  • responsibility to one another;
  • responsibility to clients;
  • responsibility to the community; and
  • responsibility to the environment.

The firm has committed to a number of initiatives including:

  • offering flexible working arrangements for staff;
  • professional training for all staff to ensure the highest standards of service;
  • working with community and charitable organisations to assist those in need;
  • offering work experience placements within the firm; and
  • taking forward environmentally sound practices within the firm.

Dedicated corporate social responsibility committee members regularly review and update plans and policies, taking into account the views of staff members to ensure they are robust and sustainable.

Cantab believes that the long term sustainable growth of the firm will be achieved through strong relationships across the stakeholder groups and making an ongoing contribution to business and wider society.

Cantab believes that clients will choose to work with firms which share their values and are committed to long-term relationships.


Responsible Stewardship

Cantab believes that responsible stewardship is an important issue and aims to act in the best interest of all its stakeholders.  Cantab believes that companies with high standards of corporate responsibility, governance and sustainable business practices create an appropriate culture to enhance good investment performance.


Environmental Impact

Cantab recognises the importance of managing and minimising the firm’s environmental impact as much as reasonably possible. Cantab moved several years ago to paperless working and the 2020 move to remote working has led to further development of processes that do not require paper and can rely on electronic signatures. Business travel is limited and by train where possible; with remote working, staff commuting has reduced substantially resulting in a significant reduction in Cantab’s carbon footprint. Recycling of waste is a part of the new office infrastructure.


Anti-bribery and Anti-corruption

Cantab strives to maintain high standards of governance, personal and corporate ethics, compliance with laws and regulations and values integrity, fairness and honesty when dealing with employees, clients, advisers and suppliers. Cantab has a zero tolerance for bribery and corruption and takes all reasonable steps to ensure its staff and Third Parties understand what is and is not permitted and act with integrity at all times. Cantab has an Anti-Bribery and Anti-corruption policy  and has put appropriate contractual and other controls in place to manage all forms of risk of the same.


Modern Slavery

Cantab is committed to addressing the requirements of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the “Act”). We acknowledge the undertakings in the Act and the risks of modern slavery, and will aim to create a culture of transparency with regard to the supply of goods and services to us.

This statement is made pursuant to section 54 of the Act and constitutes the Company’s modern slavery and human trafficking statement, as required by the Act, for the financial year ended 31 July 2023.


Payment Practices

Cantab endeavours to pay its suppliers within agreed payment terms.