Investment Comment May 2014

Sell in May and go away? Take a vacation, but don’t sell if you are a long term investor.  Transaction costs and the…

Investment Comment April 2014

Fragile spring blossoms promise that summer will arrive once more.  The first quarter was bumpy, with the Top UK 100 Companies trading in the…

Investment Comment March 2014

Games are won by players who focus on the playing field – not by those whose eyes are glued to the scoreboard.”  Warren…

Investment Comment February 2014

Emerging markets have suffered as a result of the tapering of quantitative easing (QE) in the US, which has affected particularly the currencies…

Investment Comment February 2014

Quarterly Investment Comment: Q1 2014

Investment Comment January 2014

On December 18, Ben Bernanke announced that the Fed would start to reduce Quantitative Easing.  The ‘taper’ reduces monthly asset purchases by $10bn…

Investment Comment December 2013

Positive economic news is emanating from a number of directions and taking these and other factors into consideration, we view the equity markets…

Investment Comment November 2013

The US government shutdown has been resolved and the debt ceiling deadline extended to February.  Deficit reduction is improving the situation, and growth…

Investment Comment October 2013

Quarterly Investment Comment: Q4 2013

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