Our team of experienced financial planners and advisers has experience of working with Partners in the leading legal and accountancy firms in London and Cambridge.

Partners are busy and their time is precious. Cantab understands how to work with Partners in an efficient and compliant manner.

Cantab seeks to be a ‘trusted adviser’, helping clients optimise their existing portfolios whilst assisting with the planning for future requirements.

What we offer

Cantab aims to serve Partners holistically considering individual needs and objectives. Cantab’s services include:

  • Astute financial planning and thorough investment research
  • Portfolio management keeping Partner administration time to a minimum
  • Choice of the latest technology and platforms for investments
  • Meetings in clients’ offices
  • Retirement and Pension planning
  • Competitive fees.


As from 1 January 2013, investment advisers must state whether they provide ‘independent’ or ‘restricted’ advice. Cantab is ‘independent’ in providing advice on all areas of private client investment and access to products from across the whole market.

Independent advisers are the only category of advisor providing unbiased and unrestricted advice for a client based upon a comprehensive and fair analysis of the whole of the marketplace and all the relevant tax wrappers. Cantab’s view is that it is in every Partner’s best interest to appoint an independent adviser in order that finances may be managed in a comprehensive and holistic manner with all options available and considered.


Cantab’s service creates portfolios for Partners that meet with firms’ compliance requirements. Where required, investments are first screened with the Partner Independence team. Only approved investments are made available for Partner investment.

Cantab has a wealth of experience in working with City Partners.

Please contact us to find out how we may assist you.